Mulher e filho quase ‘se afogam’ em piscina de bolinhas

Vivien Low caiu e não conseguia voltar à superfície

Vivien Low com os filhos

Vivien Low passou por momentos de tensão ao quase ‘se afogar’ enquanto brincava com o filho em uma piscina de bolinhas no Shopping City Square Mall, em Cingapura, no último fim de semana.

No meio da brincadeira, a moça se desequilibrou e caiu, fazendo com que a imensidão de bolinhas a cobrissem por inteiro.

Um vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais é possível ver a mulher com os braços para fora da piscina, gritando por socorro, sem conseguir atingir a superfície.

“Eu não conseguia atingir o fundo e ficar de pé. Meu filho também estava preso”, descreveu.

O drama só acabou quando Vivien conseguiu agarrar a mão de uma pessoa e se erguer.

“Aí consegui puxar o meu filho e duas outras crianças”, completou.

De acordo com o jornal “Extra”, a Airzone, empresa responsável pela piscina de bolinhas, disse que vai aprimorar as medidas de segurança do brinquedo.

Today I had the fright of my life. We went to the newly opened Air Zone at City Square Mall. I was afraid of heights. But my boy wanted to play. So I just went ahead. I thought the ball pit was the safest place of the 3 storey structure. But I was so wrong. Not long into the play, I lost my balance in the ball pit and fell backwards. I could not reach the bottom and I could not stand up. I tried to roll over, I couldn’t. I tried to find the net so I could grip it, I couldn’t. My son was stuck inside too. I panicked and waved and screamed for help. None came. I seriously panicked and did not know what to do. (My helper stoped the video when she realised something was wrong and shouted for help too but none came)I finally grabbed someone’s hand and managed to stabilise myself and stood up. And thereafter I pulled out my son, and 2 other kids: a boy and a girl. It was then the staff came by to help me drag the kids out of the balls before I climbed out. The kids all went in alone. They were about 6-8 years old. The girl was crying and I think she went out after the incident. Looking at the video which my helper had taken with the intention of taking us playing, there were about 4 heads under the pool of balls. At the side there was an adult pulling out another kid. Yes it was a nasty experience for me. I’m not going into the ball pit anymore. ? however, I will not stop my kids from playing there. But I will ensure an adult (my hubs) goes in with him. What’s the message I’m trying to bring across with this post? There is a certain level of danger in the playground and there is only so much the staff there can do. I appeal for you to go in with your kids. The more adults there is inside, you can help watch out for other kids. Just for info, the balls were up to about my armpits when I’m standing, and I’m 1.72m tall. Yes. Well yes it was fun, just not entirely suitable for young kids. Adult supervision needed. Lots of it. :)Edit to add:1. The structures are really sound. No doubt about that. Even if so happens the net you are on, tears for some reason, there is a second net below so you won’t fall. The issue is more about the availability and vigilance of the staff to render help when needed. 2. In the newspaper articles that followed, the claim was that there are 2-3 first aid trained staff on each level during peak hours. We were there on a Saturday afternoon. Is that a peak hour? Because there was only 1 staff per level. And the staff’s duty was to oversee the slides and attention was definitely not on the ball pit. I hope they have increased the number of staff since. And not just the number, the quality. No use being first aid trained and not alert to surroundings. 3. Why is everyone saying “drowning” when it was never mentioned in the original article? ?#airzone #airzonesg #citysquaremall#embarassingmoment #jellylegs

Posted by Beautiful Chaos on Saturday, February 3, 2018

  • Apesar do contratempo de Vivien na piscina de bolinhas, se instalado com segurança, o brinquedo pode ser muito divertido, não é mesmo? Pensando nisso, um shopping na zona norte de São Paulo apostou em uma piscina gigante, com direito a tobogã e tudo! O brinquedo ficará disponível para o público até 14 de fevereiro. Corre lá!