UFRPE disponibiliza vagas em 90 cursos gratuitos online
Os cursos da UFRPE têm duração média de quatro semanas e são realizados na plataforma Coursera
A Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) disponibiliza uma série de cursos gratuitos em diversas áreas na plataforma Coursera.
Para fazer uma dos cursos gratuitos é preciso acessar o perfil da UFRPE no Coursera e fazer um cadastro.
Após preencher o formulário, basta confirmar o acesso clicando na mensagem enviada automaticamente por e-mail.
Os cursos têm duração média de 4 semanas, são realizados em inglês e outros idiomas, com opções de legenda.
Os cursos gratuitos da UFRPE
Letras, Idiomas e Internacionalização
- Mandarin Chinese 1: Chinese for Beginners (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People (University of California, Davisü
- Étudier en France – B1-B2 (École Polytechnique)
- Understanding College Life (University of Washington)
- Learn to Speak Korean (Yonsei Universityü
- Fundamentos de la Escritura (Instituto Tecnológico de Monterey)
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) – École Polytechnique
- Como Hacer uma Tesis (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- English for Teaching Purposes (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
- The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future (University of Copenhagen)
- Introduction to Sustaintability (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Marketing Verde (Universidad de los Andes)
- Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (The University of North California at Chaper Hill)
- Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Greening the Economy (Lund University)
- English for Teaching Purposes (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Learning to Teach Online (The University of New South Wales)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (University of California, Davis)
- Hacer uma Práctica Constructivista em el Aula (Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile)
- Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task-Based Approach (University of London)
- Supporting Children with Difficulties in Reading and Writing (University of London, Institute of Education, Dyslexia and Literacy International)
Filosofia e Ciências Sociais
- Pensamiento Científico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico)
- An Introduction to Philosophy (The University of Edinburgh)
- Introduction to Game Theory (University of Tokyo)
- Feminism and Social Justice (University of California)
- Representaciones culturales de las sexualidades (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Moralities of Everyday Life (Yale University)
- Evolution: a Course for Educators (American Museum of Natural History)
- Le Bien, le Juste, l’Utile. Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques (Université de Genève)
- Philosophy and the Sciences: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences (The University of Edinburgh)
- Introduction to Virtual Reality (University of London Goldsmiths)
- Cyber Threats and Attack Vectors (University of Colorado)
- Programming for Everybody Using Python (University of Michigan)
- Applied Machine Learning in Python (University of Michigan)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Duke University)
- Web Design for Everybody – Basics of Web Development and Code (University of Michigan)
- Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CCS and JavaScript (University of London
- Marketing in a Digital Work (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Arte e Design
- Graphic Design (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Fundamentals of Design (University of California, San Diego)
- Guitar for Beginners (Berkeley University)
- Getting Started with Music Theory (Michigan State University)
- Introduction to Classical Music (Yale University)
- Fundamentals of Music Theory (The University of Edinburgh)
- Photography basics and Beyond (Michigan State University)
- Producción Musical y Su Efecto en la Composición (Berklee College of Music)
- The Science of Gastronomy(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- The New Nordic Diet – From Gastronomy to health (University of Copenhagen)
- Wine Tasting – Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis (University of California, Davis)
- Public Economics (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
- Introduction to Economic Theories (Easmus University Rotterdam)
- Microeconomics Principles (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Country Level Economics: Policies, Institutions, and Macroeconomic Performance (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
História e Ciência Política
- Big History – Connecting Knowledge (Macquarie University)
- Moral Foundations of Politics (Yale University)
- Understanding International relations Theory ((National Research University Higher School of Economics)
- Inequality and Democracy (Utrecht University)
- Egiptología (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Período Moderno e Pós-Moderno (Wesleyan University)
- Roman Art and Archeology (University of Arizona)
- At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West – 3rd-1st millennium BC (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Modern World (1760 – 1910) (University of Virginia)
- The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archaeology and History of the Palatine Hill (Sapienza University of Rome)
Veterinária e zootecnia
- Dog Emotion and Cognition (Duke University)
- Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions (Alberta University)ü
- Equine Welfare and Management (University of California, Davis)
- Animal Welfare (The University of Edinburgh)
- Dairy production and Management (The Pennsylvannia State University)
- Chicken Behavior and Welfare (The University of Edinburgh)
- Engineering Project Management: Initiating and Planning (Rice University)
- Initiating and planning Projects (University of California, Irvine)
- Major Engineering Project Performance (University of Leeds)
- Introduction to Self-Driving Cars (University of Toronto)
- Chemistry (University of Kentucky)
- ¡¿Cómo?! ¿Química en mi casa? (Univ. Nacional Autónoma de Mexico)
- Chemicals and Health (Johns Hopkins University)
- Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios (Duke University)
- Introduction to Physical Chemistry (University of Manchester)
- Álgebra Básica (Univ. Nacional Autónoma de Mexico)
- Data Science Math Skills (Duke University)
- Introduction to Calculus (The University of Sydney)
- Algorythms – Part 1 (Princeton University)
- Introduction to Probability and Data (Duke University)
- Mathematics for Machine Learning (Imperial College London)
- Foundations of Public Health Practice (Imperial College London)
- Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations (University of Geneva)
- Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression (The University of Melbourne)
- Science of Exercise (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Diabetes – the Essential Facts (University of Copenhagen)
- Multiple Regression analysis in Public Health (Johns Hopkins University)
- Epidemics: the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases (The Pennsylvania State University)