Modelo posa como mulher e homem para discutir sobre gênero

Rain Dove, modelo dos Estados Unidos, vem usando seu Instagram para levantar uma discussão importante: identidade de gênero.

Rain Dove procura discutir identidade de gênero através de suas fotos

Com feições andróginas, Dove diz que representa o “humano” na moda, e posa para fotos tanto como homem quanto como mulher. “Eu não sou o que você consideraria uma ‘menina bonita’, então sempre me senti meio alien”, revelou ao site da BBC.

Dove já recusou trabalhos de grifes famosas porque os estilistas queriam que ela mudasse a sua identidade. Foi o caso da vez pediram que a modelo fingisse ser transgênero, e de quando falaram que os pelos das suas axilas deveriam ser raspados.

“Nós temos que assegurar que [a fluidez de gênero] não seja um truque. [Ela] não se trata que colocar em um terno o que consideramos ser uma ‘mulher’ e pôr em um vestido o que consideramos ser um ‘homem’. É sobre dizer: ‘qualquer um pode comprar esse produto. Não vamos julgar você'”, afirma Dove à BBC.

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When I'm angry and people are told I'm a "Woman" they see me as domineering, bitchy, naggy. When they are told I'm a "Man" they commonly assume I'm just very passionate. It's easier to resolve issues Im upset about when being perceived as the latter. #gendercapitalism #ursula #cruella #fearandloathing #lgbt #hetero #imbotadominatrixjustbecauseimadtrongpersonwiithtits by @missbonesandheels

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Dove também fala sobre machismo. “Quando estou brava e as pessoas pensam que sou uma ‘mulher’, elas me veem como controladora, irritadiça, fresca. Quando elas pensam que sou um ‘homem’, elas normalmente assumem que apenas tenho muita paixão. É mais fácil de resolver ou problemas que me chateiam quando me percebem como um homem”, observa.

Embora a discussão sobre identidade de gênero ainda levante muita polêmica e preconceito, Dove acredita que o cenário só tende a melhorar. “Um dia, teremos assuntos mais urgentes no mundo do que [discutir] com quem as pessoas dormem, qual é o gênero delas e se elas estão se encaixando nos padrões sociais de suas idades, raças, genitálias e status econômicos”, considerou ao The Huffington Post.

Veja abaixo mais fotos de Dove:

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Lemurs will love me either way. Because no matter how I dress I'm still the same I- with the same heart, mind, and fistful of treats. ——————————– Volunteering at the @btnwildlife refuge. This place rehabs wild creatures like possums, raccoons and bobcats then releases them back to Nature! (The lemurs are permanent educator residents obviously!) actual dirty not pretty posing photos coming soon. We worked so hard and it was so fun!!!! If you would like to get in shape and save money I suggest quitting the gym and getting involved with a cause that makes you move. It's rewarding and it's great for not just the muscles but the heart and mind. Intersectional activism is SO important. We must care about more than ourselves and the causes that affect us directly. #theytriedtogroommyarmpithair #educatedonthate #animalkingdom #clothingshouldntbeaprison #lemursarematriarchalwhichisaninterestingfact#genderfluid #genderreveal #gendercapitalism #lgbt #qpia #h #lovewins #tomboy #lemur

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MENS vs WOMENS Olympic #GYMNASTICS ATTIRE. Granted we are short about 5000 Swarovski crystals on the "WOMENS" outfit and I forgot to SMILE- so so important. ?? fabric creep will happen unless you wear protection- otherwise pretty breezy. ? Makeup and legs bare to the crotch. The "MENS" outfit for most events comfortably has semi loose long pants and a fitted muscle shirt. The pants weren't as easy as bare legs to flip in though- slight camel toe aside. One claimed reason that "MENS" and "WOMENS" outfits are so different is because they perform different types of gymnastics- and the current designs are best for the types of gymnastics they do. Another claimed reason is that "men" WOULD wear less to be more mobile but apparently we the world aren't ready for THAT kind of curve hugging action. I'd be into watching it though- just sayin. It's hard to pinpoint the exact reason- but several athletic experts have said that part of especially "WOMENS" gymnastics is pageantry- and outfits may not always be optimally designed for sport comfort in order to create things the judges will enjoy. I look at both outfits and wonder…. are we hindering people's full physical potential by not dressing them to achieve that? Or is this the highest standard? ????????????????? Photo 3/5 addressing the #Olympic athletic outfits "MENS" vs "WOMENS". Practical? Sexist? Just good marketing? Preferred choice? The answers may surprise you! Stay tuned for the final two and feel free to share your voice below. This is meant to create a dialogue so we can improve upon the incredible progress we have already made in the world. ? @markwijs #allflippedout #lovewins #buttbutt #sports #gender #generreveal #genderfluid #lgbt #qpia #hetero #ladies #gentleman #danggenitalsarecomplicatingeverything

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"MEN" vs "WOMEN" TENNIS #Olympic Attire. A lot of times you will see "women" wearing skirts. Unless at a private club tournament there are actually no official rules forcing "women" to wear only skirts on the court despite popular belief. Many "women" players wear skirts due to "comfort, agility, and respect of tradition". "Men" typically wear loose fitted shorts and a tshirt- also not mandatory. However in "WOMENS" tennis statistically their appearance and fashion choices will be commented on 60-65 times more often then "men". This prompts many sponsors to prefer to partner with or create endorsement deals with "women" players who fall within traditional and publicly approved standards. Which in turn is extra encouragement for "women" players to shy away from shorts and tshirts. Although there are some champs who wear what feels right for the day they are competing- and their so talented they get sponsors despite fashion critique. ?????????????? This is photo 4/5 featuring Olympic sports attire compared between the sexes. If people are playing the same sports, then why are outfits often SO different? Is it practicality? Specific and intentional sports design? Or just Sexploitation? We are taking a look at five sports and attempting to open a dialogue to figure it out. Because we are the better NOW. @markwijs ?? #goldmedaldigger #tennisthemenace #tennis #tennisskirt #lgbt #qpia #gender #genderequality #lovewins #wimbledon #letstalkaboutsexbabyANDhowitstreateddifferently

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