Mulher compartilha sua recuperação da mastectomia no Instagram

08/03/2017 11:24

Duas parentes próximas a Paige More faleceram por causa de câncer. Por isso, quando ela tinha 22 anos, sua mãe insistiu que ela fizesse um exame para detectar alguma pré-disposição à doença.

Algumas semanas depois, sua médica lhe deu a má notícia: Paige tem uma mutação genética que lhe traz alto risco de ter câncer nas mamas e ovários, os mesmos tipos que suas familiares tiveram. A jovem, então, decidiu fazer uma mastectomia dupla preventiva.

Ela demorou para digerir a notícia da doutora, e levou meses para optar pela cirurgia. “Decidi que não queria viver cheia de ansiedade e medo e ficar doente. Queria ter o controle e acabar com a chance de ter câncer antes de [a doença] poder tentar me matar”, disse em um texto à Elle. Relutante em compartilhar sua decisão com as pessoas que conhece, Paige enfim publicou um texto no seu Facebook. E nele, recebeu quase mil likes e centenas de comentários. Foi ali que percebeu a importância de contar sobre a sua experiência para as pessoas.

Hoje, a jovem tem uma conta no Instagram dedicada a sua recuperação da dupla mastectomia. Quase 13 mil seguidores encontram inspiração na sua história. Veja alguns registros dela:

I will never forget how excited I was to go back to see my doctors the week after my surgery to see if it was time to get my drains out. I was so hopeful because anyone who has had drains knows- THEY SUCK! (Literally!) My mom and I were rushing to get ready to get out the door and I remember asking her if she would snap a quick photo of me. I am so thankful that she did. I wanted to remember exactly how I looked and felt with these drains in. I never had drains before so it was so strange to me that the pain from my drains completely overshadowed and hurt much worse than the pain from where they removed my breasts. Oftentimes I wanted to rip the drains out because the pain and discomfort was so unbearable I didn’t think I could take it any longer (my doctors are glad that I didn’t!) Though I only had to have the drains in for a week, it felt like an eternity. I remember I woke up that day feeling like it was Christmas morning- today the drains were finally being removed! YASSSS!!! ????????????????

Uma publicação compartilhada por Paige More (@paige_previvor) em

Nothing beats a good bubble bath at home ???????? Soaking it all in.. the love, the support, the outreach. My heart is so full ????

Uma publicação compartilhada por Paige More (@paige_previvor) em

There is no better feeling in the world then when you start to feel your body recovering and getting stronger. It took me about two weeks after my surgery. For me it means I am no longer confined to my couch or bed. It means I can get up and walk around and explore. It’s an amazing feeling when you start to feel yourself getting better. I still have to take it slowly, it’s so easy to overdo it which causes extreme pain and exhaustion. I’ve found that it’s best to pick one activity and then relax and heal for the rest of the day. So when my sister told me she knew of a bright pink wall up in Los Angeles I knew I had to make the trek out to see it. This was the activity I chose for the day and though it took a lot out of me, it was beyond worth it. The feeling I had when I saw this wall was overwhelming. The color pink has always been one of my favorites but joining the BRCA sisterhood it represents so much more to me now. Standing in front of this wall I felt strong. I felt powerful. I felt beautiful and feminine. I felt healthy and happy. I felt bright pink. But most importantly I felt thankful that I no longer have to worry about getting breast cancer! What an amazing feeling! ????????????

Uma publicação compartilhada por Paige More (@paige_previvor) em

  • Paige More foi uma das convidadas para o desfile da AnaOno na NYFW. Ela e mais mulheres que lutaram contra o câncer de mama participaram da apresentação. Relembre aqui