Menininho com cabelo black power vira sucesso no Instagram

04/03/2016 18:44 / Atualizado em 07/05/2020 02:29

Com mais de 70 mil seguidores no Instagram, a mais nova celebridade mirim do momento chama-se Farouk James. O londrino de apenas 4 anos de idade já é sensação nas redes por exibir orgulhosamente sua cabeleira black power.

A mãe de Farouk, Bonnie, lançou um canal de vídeo no qual dá dicas a pais sobre como cuidar dos cabelos cacheados de seus filhos. É ela também quem mantém a conta no Instagram, postando imagens do menino.

Why sooo tired? …… images to follow #wepioneerlondon #wepioneer #london #faroukjames

Uma foto publicada por faroukjames (@faroukjames) em

✌✌✌✌ ✌ PEACE One syllable, five letters, containing so much grace. You’d think each single soul would find it easy to embrace.  Whispered in the darkness by those who live in fear. Shouted from the mountaintops for everyone to hear. Elusive as the wind that blows it often slips away. Leaving in its shadow, pain and sorrow in the fray. Let us join together as we call for war to cease. Let us all agree to all declare we want world peace. In every corner of the world in every language known. Speak the words of peace in every country, every zone. Add your voice until we drown the noise of hate and war. Until the sound of peace becomes a loud and thunderous roar. – Samia Arroyo ????? #repost @tk_wonder and her exclusive interview with faroukjames for Stay tuned for a thoughtful and comical Q&A plus exclusive photos captured by photographer and creative director @AdrenusCraton Read an excerpt from the interview below. ️️️ Stylist: Agi Victoria Sznerch Hair & Make-up: @Onzoushi ️️️ Excerpt: TK: On your trip to Dubai what did people do or say when they saw your hair?  Farouk: In Dubai there are a lot of Asian and Filipino ladies and they would scream and giggle when they saw me and run towards me with long arms and long nails trying to grab my curls. After the first week I used to hold my hand up and shout, “Don’t touch my hair!” Then mummy taught me to say “Thanks for the compliment but please don’t touch my hair.” I think some got upset but they do not think my hair is part of my body. Mummy took to touching their hair back and that works nicely.

Uma foto publicada por faroukjames (@faroukjames) em