Jovem publica fotos empoderadas após superar transtorno alimentar

A britânica Milly Smith, de 23 anos, decidiu usar as redes sociais para publicar fotos que mostram sua recuperação e ganho de peso após sofrer um transtorno alimentar aos 17 anos. A blogueira relata que, durante esse processo, aprendeu a respeitar seu corpo e a se amar do jeito que é.

“Eu não só ganhei peso. Ganhei uma vida, meu filho, meu noivo, felicidade, clareza mental, liberdade e energia. Eu ganhei um relacionamento com o meu corpo que nunca pensei que eu teria – e respeito isso”, escreveu a jovem em sua conta no Instagram.

A britânica deu um show de empoderamento nas redes sociais

De acordo com as publicações, Milly chegou a parar na UTI, mas na época permanecia negando que estava com um transtorno alimentar.

Agora, a jovem usa sua superação para apoiar outras pessoas que enfrentam o mesmo tipo de distúrbio que ela viveu. “Você não está sozinha”, afirmou.

Milly também tira várias fotos no mesmo dia para mostrar como o ângulo da imagem pode enganar as pessoas na internet. Confira:

17 to 23 Size 6 to size 10/12 Not a before and after just a then and now. ❤️ I didn’t just gain weight. I gained a life, my son, my fiancé, happiness, mental clarity, freedom and energy. I gained a relationship with my body that I never thought I would- I respect it. ❤️ I left my disorder at rock bottom and climbed my way up. I hit every obstacle and I’m still hitting them now but without the whole weight of my ED dragging me down I have the strength to keep going. ❤️ I want every single one of you embarking on recovery to know that you’re not alone, the sun will shine and you CAN and WILL leave the grasp of your eating disorder. ❤️ You don’t need to look a certain way for your pain to be valid, you don’t need to be under or over weight for your struggles to be real and worthy of help. Reach out to those around you, you’re worthy of love and support. You don’t need to live like this and you don’t have to go through it alone. ❤ You’ve got this warrior. You are loved, worthy and powerful beyond measure ????

A photo posted by Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) on

I feel like a fraud today. I don’t feel like a Bopo warrior today. ???? The last few days I haven’t even really looked at my body. I haven’t studied it’s curves or lines-I’ve avoided it completely. I’ve let negative comments and voices seep in. ???? I’ve dressed quickly to avoid having to feel my tummy or my thighs and I’ve slept in positions that my tummy doesn’t crease or fold. I’ve compared myself to others and allowed myself to feel low and awful about my vessel. ???? I can feel guilt as I write this because i hated this picture. I felt guilt whilst taking it and I feel guilt now. I wanted to post it, my hardest post yet because it’s still my body, my glorious vessel that I’ve loved and praised previously. ❤️ It’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay. Recovery isn’t linear and just because I feel this way doesn’t mean I’m going backwards! In fact I’ve made a huge leap posting this despite deleting this way! ❤️ The truth is-body positivity isn’t easy and it’s certainly not all smiles and cute photos. It’s pain, strength, solidarity and pure bad assery. It’s pushing on and never giving up even if times are harder than they’ve ever been. It’s appreciating your body for everything you’ve hated it for and knowing that even when that hate rears its ugly head every now and again that you’re still wonderful, valid, worthy and powerful beyond measure. ???? It’s ok not to be ok.

A photo posted by Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) on

Back again with the side by sides! This was again done using a free app in a bumpy car journey. Took me 3 minutes. I’ve slimmed my waist, my arms and made my chest larger/more round. I’ve erased my scars on my tummy and made my thighs smaller. As we come into the new year we’ll be bombarded with diet crap galore. We will have adverts bombarded at us telling us that we need to lose weight/diet after Christmas…’new year, new you’ This can be excruciatingly hard and difficult to ignore. It’s important to know from the get go that all of this is bullshit trying to prey onto us, DONT LET IT. They are forcing a beauty ideal that isn’t true for money, we don’t have to conform or believe a word they say. Eating lots of good stuff over Christmas does not mean restriction in the new year! Many of the images of the cellulite reducing creams or detoxing teas will be edited, like this. They will be filtered, posed and in slimming lighting. You don’t need to let that into your life, regardless of what everyone is doing around you. Diet culture is ripe in the new year, it’s now more than ever that we need to stand together and say fuck the diet culture. YOU DON’T NEED TO WORK OFF YOUR CHRISTMAS FOOD! You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone and many images you’ll see are edited/fake. This phase will pass and you are strong enough to get through it, the Bopo community is here for us all. We’ve got this. Enjoy the rest of your days, I hope it’s filled with drinks, family, food, joy and happiness ????????????

A photo posted by Milly Smith ????????☀️???? (@selfloveclubb) on