Blogueira fitness derruba aquela ideia de ‘corpo perfeito’

Geralmente, um “corpo perfeito” é entendido como um corpo sem estrias, celulite, cicatrizes, marcas, gorduras, manchas, enfim; todas aquelas características que são completamente comuns. Ou seja: um corpo perfeito não existe de verdade. Ainda que as redes sociais muitas vezes queiram nos convencer do contrário usando truques sorrateiros.

Chessie King, porém, não quer enganar seus mais de 235 mil seguidores no Instagram. Famosa por suas fotos glamourosas e dicas fitness, a blogueira mostrou que seu corpo pode mudar em apenas segundos – tudo depende da postura.

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SingapOURING RAIN ? It's not everyday you're 478 feet high in an infinity pool lapping up the rain in ma keeeni ? I always find it hard for my body to adjust the first few days of holiday, I feel bloated from the long flight & it takes me a while to adapt to the change in food & environment. My top tips if you're travelling to Asia: • Make sure you get ALL your jabs… if you're petrified of injections just remember, they don't kill you, it's what you could get that might. @themedicalco was my HERO! • Drink water like it's medicine before, during & after the flight but make sure the top is sealed • Really think about where your food is being prepared & made • Research the area you're in & make sure you know the emergency number just in case of anything #mummychess ? ??

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“Eu sei que treino com consistência, sei que me abasteço bem, então não tem problema deixar minha barriga para fora quando estou sentada perto da piscina”, ela escreveu na legenda de uma foto no Instagram, na qual mostra um “antes e depois” da sua barriga.

Chessie defendeu que o corpo é o nosso melhor amigo, e enquanto apóia uma rotina de exercícios, também acredita que a saúde mental é muito importante. “Hoje, faça uma coisa por mim: deixe a sua barriga relaxada, abrace-a, balance-a um pouco”.

A publicação recebeu mais de 19 mil curtidas. Veja abaixo:

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"I want to look good for summer" "I want my bikini body back" SURE… but whyyyyy don't you want to look good for winter too? For Father Christmas? ??❄️ How about FEELING good for life? FEELING like a superwoman the whole year round? Yes '8 week transformations' are amazing to get you going & if you're learning from them AMAZING… but if you just stop there after the 8 weeks, your body isn't going to stay like that forever AND you may have changed your body but not your mindset. I can change my body in 2 seconds, from the left photo to the right & in both, I feel good. I know I train consistently, I know I fuel myself well, I know it's okay to let my belly out when I'm sitting down next to the pool. SO… long term/life plan: • Educate yourself, that doesn't mean doing a personal training course, that means learning about yourself, how to train & how to eat. • Do your own research, your own body is your best friend, explore it • Find a class you love & look forward to, find a PT that works you hard but looks after you, find a friend that gives you that little boost of motivation when you need it… find things that work for YOU! So tonight, do one thing for me & let your belly release, embrace it, give it a little jiggle ?

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