Blogueira fitness explica como começou a amar suas estrias

Assim como a celulite, as estrias são uma característica completamente comum. Ainda assim, muitas pessoas têm vergonha de usar roupas que mostrem as marquinhas – usar trajes de banho, então, nem pensar.

Esse era o caso de Sharny Kieser: apesar de hoje ser blogueira fitness, antigamente ela achava que não valia a pena se exercitar porque tinha muitas estrias pelo corpo. Quando a convidavam para ir à praia ou à piscina, ela sempre recusava. Jamais usava um biquíni.

Felizmente, no entanto, Sharny mudou sua perspectiva e passou a amar a sua aparência. “Um dia, eu ouvi o meu marido explicar a um grupo de amigos deles o porquê de ele achar minhas estrias bonitas”, ela contou em uma publicação no Instagram. “Elas eram um sinal de ser mulher. Eram o resultado do grande amor que uma mãe tem, que ela faria uma cicatriz no seu próprio corpo para dar à luz uma criança”.

A blogueira disse que esse comentário a ajudou a perceber que não havia nada de errado com seu corpo. “Eu olhei para as minhas estrias e senti orgulho. Senti amor. O amor do meu marido e dos meus filhos. Cada um deles havia sido sido cuidado e havia vivido por trás dessas marcas por nove meses”, ela escreveu. E foi esse sentimento que a fez querer cuidar mais da sua saúde. “Eu queria comer bem. Queria me exercitar, queria fazer as coisas que amo”.

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I used to not see the point in exercise because my body was covered in stretch marks. 'what's the point in having a great body if I will never wear a bikini' I'd think. If I was ever invited to the beach or a pool party, I'd always decline. On the odd occasion I couldn't avoid it, I'd stay inside, helping with the food or the cleaning. I would only wear board shorts and t-shirts. I wished so hard that I could one day wear a bikini. Then one day I overheard my loving husband explaining to a bunch of his friends why he thought stretch marks were beautiful. They were a sign of being a woman. They are a result of the great love a mother has, that she would scar her own body to bring a child to life… on and on he explained and the more he talked, the more I got it. I had hated myself for the very reasons he loved me. My body wasn't ruined or disgusting, it had transformed from a selfish girls body into a selfless mothers body and the scars were a symbol of that transition. A daily reminder that I was a mother. I looked at my stretch marks and I felt pride. I felt love. The love of my husband and the love of my children. Each one of them had been nurtured and lived behind those scars for 9 months. I felt pride. I felt love. I felt love for myself. The craziest thing was that when I started to love myself for what I had now, the body I had now, I began to treat myself better. I WANTED to eat healthy. I WANTED to exercise, I WANTED to do the things I loved. Just by changing the way I looked at myself with love and pride instead of hate, I had found the effortless motivation to care for my body. Because of this tiny little shift in mindset, magic happened… I got the body I had always dreamed of. The bikini body that I thought was not ever going to be possible for me after being covered in stretch marks, It has became a reality for me. It started though, with me loving myself first. Being grateful for what I had, not wishing for something better. ?[see comments for more]?

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Em outro post no Instagram, Sharny escreveu: “a história das minhas estrias é que eu carreguei seis bebês no meu corpo. São quatro anos e meio da minha vida que eu passei grávida. Como posso me odiar por isso?”.