Mãe faz post poderoso sobre seu corpo pós-parto

Nos últimos 19 anos, Sabrina Ewell tentou de tudo para voltar a ter o mesmo corpo que tinha antes de ficar grávida. Ela testou remédios caseiros e até mesmo considerou uma cirurgia plástica para esticar a barriga. Até que percebeu que ela não precisava mudar nada.

“Eu me sentia envergonhada porque não me encaixava nos padrões da sociedade”, a mãe e instrutora de yoga confessou em um post no Instagram, no qual mostra o seu abdômen. Ela dedicou os últimos dois anos a uma jornada de autodescoberta, que a fez perceber que não havia nada de errado com o seu corpo.

“Eu não olho mais para os padrões da sociedade para definir quem eu sou”, Sabrina aponta na legenda da foto. “Não peço desculpas por quem eu sou nos meus biquínis, enquanto faço exercícios na praia, porque sou foda. Dane-se as suas imagens com photoshop, porque suas besteiras não mais se aplicam a mim”.

A imagem foi feita por Aaron Turner, do Expressions Untold. No perfil do site, a fotografia recebeu mais de mil curtidas. Veja abaixo o post de Sabrina:

Deep breath… So this is me… in all my 19 year postpartum glory… I thought this was baggage for so many years. Contemplated tummy tucks numerous times. Had people give me home remedies to “fix” it that never worked. Felt ashamed because I didn’t look like societal norms… But I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery for the last 2 years, and the universe has lined me up with thoughts, circumstances, and people that have allowed me to connect with my authentic self. I no longer look to societal norms to define who the fuck I am. I am unapologetically me in my bikinis as I do handstands on the beach because I’m the shit. Fuck your photoshopped imagery because your bullshit no longer applies to me. ✌???? #Repost @expressionsuntold___ with @repostapp ・・・ Why be ashamed? A life grew inside of you that gives humanity hope of change. You felt things that I as a man will never understand. Even when you first held your baby girl or boy it was nothing similar to when they lay in their father’s hands. Your body changed and so did you. It became a look into the past of what you went through. You grew mentally and emotionally and your spirit was taken to places you didn’t think it would ever go. Your breasts may sit differently. Your ass may not be as thick as it once was. But why should it be when you gave so much of yourself to help all of us. A sacrifice of sorts if you choose to see it that way. But to me your body now is exactly how it’s supposed to be. So don’t be ashamed. Don’t hide your changes from the world that you and your sisters helped create. Be proud of your story. Be proud of your lines. Be proud of who you’ve chosen to be.. . . Muse: @sereneradianceyoga Photo by @expressionsuntold___ #sereneradianceyoga #blackgirlmagic #notashamed #motherhood #stretchmarks #society #selfhatred #selflove #blessed #tigerstripes #badgeofhonor #postpartum #postpartumbody #pregnancy

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