Homem perde 147kg e pede ajuda financeira para remoção de pele

27/06/2016 15:46 / Atualizado em 07/05/2020 03:31


Há três anos, Pasquale Brocco deu início a uma jornada impressionante em busca de mais saúde. Diagnosticado com diabetes e hipertensão, de lá para cá, o jovem emagreceu 147 quilos (SEM ajuda de cirurgia de redução de estômago). No Instagram, o americano compartilha sua rotina com mais de 47 mil seguidores.

Mas agora Pat, como é chamado, está enfrentando um “efeito colateral” da perda de peso, o excesso de pele, e iniciou uma campanha online para arrecadar os 25 mil dólares necessários para fazer a cirurgia e poder competir como fisiculturista.

De acordo com o texto que Pat publicou no site de financiamento coletivo GoFundMe, o processo de emagrecimento começou depois que ele ouviu dos médicos que não viveria muito se não mudasse seus hábitos. Àquela altura, ele pesava 274 quilos e era completamente sedentário.

Veja algumas fotos da rotina de Pat e acompanhe-o no Instagram:

8weeks ago I decided to enter the #stillinit 8week challenge with @bodybuildingcom & @musclepharm to possibly win and put money towards my surgery! I felt like I didn’t have much work to do after I already lost 320lbs before the challenge even started, but they added a New part of the challenge called the life time transformation challenge! Something I might have a chance at! This challenge has humbled me so much because my body has indeed changed so much over the course of 8weeks with or with out the loose skin I have worked harder then I’ve ever worked before! Just because we reach a part of life that feels like we’ve done a lot don’t be content with it don’t ever stop moving forward don’t ever think this is the end! When one journey is complete try to perfect the journey fix the mistakes you have made or start a new journey moving in the same direction! There is always more out there you can always become a better you! This is what can be done in 8weeks imagine what we can do in 12weeks or 12 months or a life time!!! Stay motivated and always remember it’s possible!! Glad to work side by side with @indeed_iam and @bigjeffheezy I have love for you both thank you #bodybuilding #neverquit #nevergiveup #healthychoices #lifestyle #motivation #stillinit #transformation #humpday #fitnessmotivation #looseskin #workhard #fitfam #squad #gymrat #itspossible #gymlife #eatcleantraindirty

Uma foto publicada por Mr. Focus 6’8 280 11% Bf (@possiblepat) em

Crazy 8s !!! They say you can either lead or follow! Well I choose to do both! Every leader once had to follow in someone’s direction to learn! with out knowledge you can’t lead no one. So I choice to learn from and follow the best, so I can be able to lead the people who choice to follow me! A great follower doesn’t get lead blindly they will follow with their eyes wide open and not only take in the knowledge but put it to use! A great leader will not only make sure the knowledge is received but will make sure his followers make it not just to his level but pass it! As a leader your not recognized for how far you get but how far the people following you get!! So before you follow in someone’s direction see what they have done for others and not just theirselves! Even tho this is a fitness post I follow great people in all aspects of my life !! @senbad @bigjeffheezy @dimples53 @indeed_iam @dline_back2new @geminimax618 few of my leaders but not all that I learn from that I grow with and walk side by side with! My squad is small but bigger then you can ever imagine!!! #stillinit @bodybuildingcom @musclepharm #bodybuilding #bodytransformation #shoulders #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fatloss #transformation #humpday #workharder #focus #motivation #fitfam #squad #family #workout #lafitness #gymrat #gymlife

Um vídeo publicado por Mr. Focus 6’8 280 11% Bf (@possiblepat) em

I’m proud to say I’m literally half the man I use to be! I actually lost 325lbs and I’m now weighing in at 285lbs! I keep theses pants to reminded me of where I came from, how much work I had to do, how much damage I did to my body! I will never go down that road again! I still have so much work to do to get to the level I want to be on! But in the process I will help as many people as possible from making the same mistakes I did or even help them see it’s not to late that it’s possible. Tag a friend that needs some motivation that needs to get up off their ass!!!!! #transformationtuesday #leanseason #gainz #jordans #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitnessfreak #eatcleantraindirty #fitfam #focus #fatlivesmatter #fatloss #fitnessmotivation #nodaysoff #onedayatatime #lifestyle #humble #itspossible #nevergiveup #neverquit #possiblepat

Uma foto publicada por Mr. Focus 6’8 280 11% Bf (@possiblepat) em