O norte-americano Colin O’Brady , 33 anos, se tornou no primeiro homem a atravessar a Antártida sozinho e a pé, sem qualquer tipo de ajuda.
Colin levou 54 dias para percorrer 1,6 mil quilômetros do continente gelado de ponta a ponta.
Colin O’Brady levou 54 dias para percorrer 1,6 mil km - @colinobrady /Instagram
De acordo com a agência de notícias AFP, o aventureiro americano partiu da geleira Union no dia 31 de outubro junto com o militar britânico Louis Rudd, 49 anos. Os dois competiram para ver quem conseguia completar a façanha de cruzar a pé, só e sem ajuda a Antártida.
Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.
Day 40: SOUTH POLE!!! I made it!!! What a day. I expected to be happy reaching the South Pole, but today has quite honestly been one of the best days of my entire life. It was whiteout conditions approaching the pole as it’s been for days. I spent about an hour there – taking photos and soaking in the moment before continuing onward. I am deeply honored to be adding to the 100 year lineage of the @explorersclub flag. Just having that fabric in my hand at the pole, knowing all of the other hands it’s touched over the generations, gives me chills. Shortly after leaving the pole the sun came out and I was overcome with one of the deepest feelings of happiness and calm that I have ever experienced. I truly felt I was tapping into all of the love that was being sent my way from all over the world. Deep, deep, deep gratitude – I’m shining my love right back at you. Some perspective on today’s accomplishment (which for me feels completely humbling, putting me in rare company.) Only 28 people before me have completed coast to pole crossing; skied from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole, solo, unsupported (no resupplies), and unaided (no kites). Only 2 people before me have done so on this route. For all of these people the South Pole was a very worthy finish line, but I still have unfinished business as I try to be the very first to complete a full traverse and reach the opposite coast. Onward!! #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible
Uma publicação compartilhada por Colin O’Brady (@colinobrady) em 12 de Dez, 2018 às 6:20 PST
Ainda de acordo com a AFP, Colin decidiu fazer a última etapa de uma vez. Ele percorreu os últimos 125 km em 32 horas.