Blogueira fitness fala a verdade por trás de fotos no Instagram

Existem alguns tipos de foto que são “clássicos” no Instagram, de tantas vezes que já foram recriados. É o caso das pernas na beirada da piscina: quantas vezes você já não viu uma imagem assim?

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I need this?? Finally got my back injury checked out this morning? Demanded my doctor to get me an x-ray months ago but he didn't take me seriously at all. That's the price you gotta pay for being so damn cute???#forrealthough Anyway don't really think that they will find anything but I just want to be sure cause right now I'm to afraid to lift heavy??‍♀️ I've had so many doctors visits lately that I feel like I have no time to do anything else at all. Gonna try to write a blogpost today but I'm at the gym right now and got my orthodontist appointment too. Let's find out if placing the metal wires is less horror than removing them. Also this pic is soooo old. Right now my thighs have practically become siamese twins? pros of big thighs; can put more snacks on my lap, my phone doesn't fall in the toilet that easily anymore and best of all; I don't fit into my jeans anymore..? But hey, no pants are the best pants right?? #onlywearingleggings #theyfitthemthundertighs

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A questão é que como a esmagadora maioria das publicações nas redes sociais, essas fotos são bem manipuladas. Não só digitalmente, mas na própria hora de fazer a pose, mesmo.

É isso que a blogueira fitness Imre Çeçen decidiu mostrar aos seus mais de 263 mil seguidores. Ela fez um post comparando duas fotos suas à beira da piscina, tiradas no mesmo dia. A diferença é que na primeira, ela fez uma “pose Instagram”; já na segunda, se posicionou de maneira natural.

Na legenda, Imre apontou que é super normal que as nossas coxas fiquem maiores quando sentamos. “Nós perdemos a noção da realidade porque na internet, tudo que vemos não aquelas benditas ‘pernas de salsicha’. Também sou culpada, porque já postei foto assim”, admitiu.

A blogueira confessou que foi muito difícil posar para a primeira foto, uma vez que ela teve de posicionar o seu corpo de forma totalmente desconfortável. “Tive que arquear minhas costas como uma doida, segurar as minhas pernas para cima (o que envolveu um sério esforço do abdômen) e sentar à beira da piscina, o que quase me fez cair”, explicou. “Sim, essa é a verdade por trás daquelas fotos de ‘salsicha’ à beira da piscina. Para falar a verdade, eu prefiro me sentar como na imagem à direita enquanto como um cachorro quente de verdade”.

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‼️DIFFERENT KIND OF "KEEP IT REAL"‼️ I know some people are all done with the "keep it real" pictures so I thought I'd try a new one? I find this one kinda hilarious?chilling by the pool instagram vs real life? . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all "normal" legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat??? Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair?? . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it? Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat?? Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved? If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!⛰⛏ I'd choose marble ones??? . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs? I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so "big" when I sat down. ? . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now? Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard? I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!??) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog? What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing? I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time? Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!?? . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! ? vs ? = both yummy??

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Essa não é a primeira vez que Imre Çeçen mostra como uma pose faz toda diferença na forma que o corpo aparece. Em duas publicações mais antiga, ela mostrou esse truque com uma selfie na frente do espelhos. “Pare de se sentir mal por causa do que você vê nas redes sociais”, ela escreveu. “Você é linda de qualquer forma”.

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⏳Only 30 seconds in between those pictures⌛️ I really doubted whether this should be called a "30 second transformation" or a "real life / posed pic". But if you ever run into me I will NOT look like EITHER of them!?? Today I wanna talk to you about posture?? Cause yes that right picture is definitely one of my favourite poses cause it enhances some features of MY body. But taking that left pic I was posing too? . . Look at my feet pushed together, my arm awkwardly hanging close to my body which takes away the shape of my upperbody??‍♀️ My shoulders are completely rounded which "closes" my chest. I seriously had issues looking up whilst taking this picture cause my posture caused my head to face the floor?. . Now compare this to the right one. I never thought I'd ever say this on insta but LOOK AT MY TITTIES?? In the right pic my chest is open which makes my entire upperbody look better and also makes it possible to look up?. . STOP FEELING BAD ABOUT YOURSELF BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SEE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!! In real life my body looks somewhere inbetween those two pictures?? But what I really wanted to say; I get tons of DM's and emails from girls telling me how terrible they look. Sometimes they even send me pictures and guess what? They are always posing like the pic on the left. Listen to me; you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!! I'm not only looking awkward in that pose too, I also felt super uncomfortable. The rounded shoulders and closed posture whisper; I'd rather not be in this pic? Where the right pic screams confidence???? . . When I take pics I instantly stand in a way which makes me feel pretty af? When I go shooting in public places and the same group of boys passes me for the 5th time I feel incredibly uncomfortable and guess what; it shows in the pic! My entire posture changes when I feel awkward. So if you walk to your mirror thinking; I look terrible, it's gonna show in your posture!! You're gonna see that insecure girl and feel even worse? STOP THAT!! I'm asking you to go to your mirror feeling badass, tell yourself how beautiful you are and take selfies like a queen? it doesn't matter what your body looks like, Just OWN IT! ❤ #weareallbeautiful

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So I posted a pic of the difference between me standing and me sitting a while ago and I got some real badass comments? I got called "fat", "ugly" and was even told that "real" fitgirls don't look like this right pic when they sit down? ??‍♀️ ✨ First of all: being fit has very little to do with how you look. Having a low fatpercentage does not mean someone is fit or healthy?? It goes the other way around too. Not having a low fatpercentage does NOT mean you can't be fit. There is no standard for being fit. We can all be fit in our own way! Find a way of being fit that makes you happy!??‍♀️⛹?‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ ✨ Then for the people who said they do not have any kind of "rolls" when they sit: we all have a skin. Your skin is your biggest organ and keeps your other organs together whilst keeping bacteria etc out. Your skin is flexible so you can MOVE?? Being flexible also means that if you push it certain ways it rolls up a bit. Be thankful for those skinrolls! Without them you'd have to stay put in one place your entire life and probably die a lonely death. Cause no, your other inflexible friends can't move either? ? ✨ . When I sit up straight and flex I don't have any rolls. When I slouch, round my shouders and back I do have some tiny rolls. I'd rather call them skinfolds though. I'll be honest: I don't really have a huge pouch. For "normal" people standards I actually have little fat on my belly. Then again, for bodybuilding standards my fatpercentage is NOT that low at all??‍♀️ . ✨ There is no such thing as a perfect body. Your goals depend on what kinda people you surround yourself with and look up to? You might look at yourself and think you're "too fat" whereas someone else looks at you and wishes one day they will look like you. Learn to love yourself no matter what! You won't find happiness in having your goal body?? You have to find happiness within yourself!? ✨ There will always be people who won't like you. But guess what? There will also ALWAYS be people who LOVE you! Become your own biggest fan. See how amazing you are and suddenly you'll turn into "goals" yourself! I believe in you, now believe in yourself too!??❤❤

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“Antes de tudo: estar ‘em forma’ tem pouco a ver com a sua aparência. Ter um baixo teor de gordura não significa que alguém está ‘em forma’ ou é saudável. E o contrário também: não ter um teor de gordura baixo NÃO significa que você não está ‘em forma’. Não há uma padrão para estar ‘em forma'”, apontou. “Todos nós podemos estar ‘em forma’ da nossa própria maneira. Encontre uma forma que te faça feliz”.